Monday, July 7, 2008

Oprah is NOT my BOFitUK

In a blog last week, I told you I forgot to talk about being on Oprah because I got sidetracked. What I meant by that was NOT that I was actually going to be on Oprah - but I had just done something even more fun being on Oprah as a part of my platform building process.

I’ve been interviewed by my BOFitUK (best only friend in the UK!)

My BOFitUK is Elliot. I’ve talked about him quite a bit in this blog. We finally got our calendars coordinated and he was able to interview me last weekend. The interview will be broadcast on Saturday the 12th of July. Please sign up here to be notified when the show is ready to go.

Here are the top 10 reasons it’s more fun to be interviewed by Elliot and not Oprah...

10. You can’t do the Oprah show from bed in a swimsuit and coverup (oh yes I did.)

9. Elliot has a much better accent and may even be smarter than Oprah.

8. I didn’t have to be analyzed by Dr. Phil before being on Elliot’s show.

7. Elliot probably doesn’t even know who Dr. Phil is.

6. Oprah doesn’t have a personal assistant named Sentinel Chicken who looks up your address on google maps and scares the bejezus out of you by telling you what’s in your neighbor’s backyard. (I wonder if he could see me putting on my swimsuit coverup when I got out of my own pool? Oh holy crap - now I’ve just scared the bejezus out of myself!)

5. I won’t have my career ruined because I was caught jumping up and down on Elliot’s couch. I’m not even sure if Elliot has a couch.

4. Oprah doesn’t have a cool little brother named Gravity Man who lived up to his name and fell out of his chair during my interview (he is gravitationally challenged.)

3. You don’t get to hear Oprah’s dad sending her to the loo right before she comes into the studio.

2. My website won’t crash from all the hits it would have gotten had I been on “her” show.


The number 1 reason it's more fun to be interviewed by Elliot than Oprah is...

...Oprah didn’t want to interview me and Elliot did - it’s nice to be wanted.

The show airs Saturday July 12. You can have the broadcast delivered directly to your email address. Don’t miss history in the making. This is surely going to be one of those “do you remember where you were when...” events.

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