Monday, July 14, 2008

Elliot Cuts The Big Cheese

I got to be a "fly on the wall" while Elliot interviewed the big cheese (not mac cheese) today (Earnest). It's always fun to hear Elliot, but today he was awesome. Elliot decided to do lots of research before Earnest's interview. He was infinitely prepared and veered from his standard format a bit. He was spontaneous, charming and scarily well prepared. Way to go Elliot!

I wondered if he might be channeling the spirit of Tim Russert (please Lord don't let it be Anderson Cooper he's channeling - Elliot is too smart for that!) Imagine Elliot with his youthful charm and devious smile (at least I think he was smiling) asking some very hard hitting journalistic questions. Thankfully Mr. Big Cheese is somewhat of a savant as well and was able to provide intelligent responses to Elliot's questions.

Luckily, I don't think any of this will hurt Earnest's political career as:

a. he doesn't have one.


b. knowing the origin of the name of the little hillbilly's hometown isn't very controversial.

The interview will air Saturday August 2nd.

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